Dental Plan
We offer comprehensive dental health care to support our employees and their dependents

Ambarella offers a competitive dental plan from Sun Life to help you maintain your oral health. If you choose to use a dentist that is not part of the network, your benefit will be based on the Usual and Customary (U&C) allowance for the dental procedure performed. You will be responsible for the charges over the Usual and Customary allowance in addition to your portion of the coinsurance.
Dental ID Cards
Physical ID cards will not be automatically mailed. You may access a digital copy or request a physical ID card by visiting the Sun Life member portal at www.sunlife.com/account.
Finding an in-network provider
Find an in-network provider three ways...
1. Online
Go to www.sunlife.com/finddentist
2. Mobile App
Download the mobile app, Benefit Tools (available for Android or iPhone)
3. Call
You may also call Sun Life Member Services at:
In-network versus out-of-network: To pay the least out-of-pocket always use in-network dentists. If you choose to visit an out-of-network provider, your out-of-pocket costs may be higher as Sun Life will only pay up to their contract allowances which may be lower than your dentist’s actual fees. Out-of-network dentists may balance bill you the difference between the contracted allowance and their fee.

Contact Sun Life Dental - Member Services:
800-442-7742 or go to www.sunlife.com
Reference Group Number: 948706